Pleasure is your birthright


You’re not getting your needs met in the bedroom…

Not knowing what turns you on or being able to ask for what you want…

And you’re ready to…

Get your needs and desires fed and fulfilled!

You’re frustrated because Pleasure and orgasm are elusive or non-existent for you…

And you’re ready to…

Experience deep, satisfying pleasure in ways you never knew were possible!

You suffer from Sexual incompatibility killing passion in your relationship(s) and you feel like your sex life is doomed…

And you’re ready to…

Discover fulfilling, orgasmic connection and young love passion… No matter what stage of relationship you’re in!

You lack Confidence in the bedroom, fumbling and failing between the sheets, unable to pleasure your lover to climax…

And you’re ready to…

Master the turns ons of
All 5 Erotic Blueprint Types and
Become the Ultimate Lover…

This step-by-step training gives you time tested tools to experience the fulfilling pleasure, deep intimacyand sexual satisfaction that you crave.

you can forget boring coursework

(or paying for an online program you only have a 5-15% chance of completing on your own.) 

Have you ever been really excited about something, purchased an online program, and then not followed through? Yup. Me too. In fact, completion rates for online courses are very low. Research show the average completion rate for online courses is between 5-15%, because of lack of structure, a set schedule or timeframe make it difficult to stay on track. It's easy to become distracted or lose motivation.

Certified Coach to the Rescue!
This is the entire reason Jaiya has certified coaches! The best way to succeed is to MAKE A PLAN and SET UP ACCOUNABILITY to ensure you reach your goals. That's where I come in. I've studied this body of work for 4 years... I know it inside-out, and have customized it over and over again to help people just like you achieve their deepest desires. 



AND MY EXPERT GUIDANCE in 12 personalized zoom video sessions 

to help you succeed!

πŸ‘‰ Step-by-step: the sex & pleasure education you wish you'd had
πŸ‘‰Flexibility within Structure: a plan for YOUR needs, pace & schedule (Do you travel a lot? Live long-distance from your partner? No problem!)
πŸ‘‰ Accountability - With my personalized support & guidance, it's easy to stay motivated & consistent 
πŸ‘‰ Interactive: regular check-ins between sessions
πŸ‘‰ Troubleshooting - Helping you through challenges, blocks, and difficulties to make sure you never stay stuck
πŸ‘‰ Interactive: regular check-ins between sessions

My personalized & expert guidance will help you succeed, AND have fun the entire time!

There is no such thing as sexual incompatibility, 
if you understand the Erotic Blueprints.
Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough 
Course Promises

  • Proven and repeatable framework with reliable results
  • Tasteful, educational & entertaining pre-recorded video demonstrations (with NO explicit nudity or unnecessarily crude language)
  • Discover EXACTLY what turns you on so you can get MORE of what you want
  • Understand YOUR sexual superpowers
  • See why β€œsexual incompatibility” is a myth
  • Feel genuinely confident in satisfying your lover!
 The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough Experience with Kristin
a 6-month coaching container

  • Watch 8 video modules with Jaia & the Erotic Blueprints team 
  • Workbooks, Embodiment Practices, Sexy Sex Labs + emotional intimacy-building communication games & conversation prompts
  • Determine your core Erotic Blueprints, Sexual Stages, Obstacles to Pleasure, and unique Superpowers
  • Find your "toggle switch" and "Quickstart" turn-on buttons
  • Learn how to flirt, initiate, and sext in each Blueprint
  • Nourishing self-pleasure + safety-building & soothing practices
  • Custom Pleasure Expansion & Pleasure Stacking: erotic gameplay & ongoing expansion plan to build satisfying sex for a lifetime


You can forget hounding your partner to watch videos & wheedling them to do homework with you, or trying to figure it out alone...

We'll meet for 90 minutes every other week for 6 months, so you'll have plenty of time to watch videos and do home-play and somatic exercises between sessions to integrate the content. I'll customize the lessons for you, help you troubleshoot challenges, and personalize the exercises to help you towards achieving your 'magic wand' dreams and desires!

Did you know you are 93% more likely to succeed with this program WITH THE HELP OF A COACH?

1 LIFE-CHANGING PROGRAM... and  my expert guidance to make sure you succeed (and have fun doing it!). 


Know Your Pleasure

Do you know what’s erotically possible and how much pleasure is available in your body?
Do you know what really turns you on (and off)?
Can you successfully guide your lover to drive you to orgasmic climax?
Can you confidently drive your lover wild?
You’ve got sexy Superpowers
This immersive program guides you, step-by-step, to master the art of sexual satisfaction, the way YOU want it!
If you’re single, you don’t need to wait for sexual fulfillment. Now is the perfect time to fill your pleasure cup and make sure every new relationship meets your needs!
If you’re in a relationship, keep things hot, increase variety, frequency and fulfillment as you deepen connection and unlock tools for lifelong passion!

Own Your Pleasure

You deserve pleasure!
It’s your birthright!
What’s holding you back from experiencing the pleasure you desire?
Is it difficult for you to ask for what you want?
Are you holding on to emotional blocks or suffering from a changing sex drive?
Do you judge your desires, feel weird or broken in your sexuality?
You are NOT broken. You are whole and complete, just as you are.
This training will help you clear emotional blocks, shed shame and fear, take control of your sexual health and dismantle the Shadows of your sexuality that are killing your pleasure.
It’s time to claim the pleasure you deserve.

Live Your Pleasure

Empowered! Confident! Expressed!

When you’ve completed The Blueprint Breakthrough Program…
You’ll have the specific skills, the erotic intelligence and the pleasure vocabulary to know what you want and how to get it!
Confident that you can satisfy your lover’s needs and desires (no matter what Blueprint Type they are), you’ll become the ultimate lover.
Empowered to Optimize Your Sexual Health and Pleasure: able to navigate physical, hormonal, and emotional challenges, so you’re always vital and alive in your sexuality…
No matter what stage of life you or your relationship(s) are in, you’ll be able to experience sexual satisfaction and red hot passion!
It’s time to live your orgasmic life!

What You'll Learn...

module 1

Your road to success
(foundations for your Blueprint Breakthrough)
Easy wins speed up your erotic transformation!
Right from the beginning, we give you powerful practices and simple strategies to start getting your desires met and needs fulfilled.

  • Develop Empathy & Curate Safety
  • Communication & Listening Skills
  • Anticipate Sabateurs 
  • Identify "Magic Wand Desires'


Your Stage of Sexualityβ„’

(so you can experience greater erotic fulfillment)

Discover the 5 different β€˜Stages of Sexuality.’ Honoring what Stage you’re currently in releases you from self-judgment and empowers you to relax into your authentic sexuality.
We also reveal to you the 4 fundamental pathways that could enhance (or cripple) your sexual health and pleasure.



(so you’re never left wanting again)
Your body has the secrets to your ecstatic satisfaction.
You’re not going to uncover your hottest turn ons by reading words on a page. We give you detailed, fun and easy practices to determine your own or someone else’s Blueprint delights!
Once you master these skills, erotic superpowers are yours for a lifetime.

  • Attuned Bluprint Touch Games (solo & partnered) 
  • A/B Game
  • Body Mapping Game
  • Waking Up the Hands Game*
  • Wheel of Consent exercises*
  • Building a Pleasure Chest with sensation items



Master the art of total orgasmic fulfillment
(your pleasure cup runneth over when you learn to feed your desires)
Each Blueprint Type flirts and seduces differently. Each Blueprint Type experiences arousal, turn ons, orgasmic delight and climaxes differently.

This module empowers you to get the touch you crave! AND have the confidence that you can satisfy any lover like never before.

  • Feeding & Nourishing the Turn-Ons of each Blueprint (partnered)
  • Feeding & Nourishing Yourself in your Blueprint (solo) 
  • BONUS: Super hot β€œFeeding the Blueprints” video demonstrations (tastefully PG – nudity-free) show you solo-pleasure and partnered practices in every Erotic Blueprint Style. Watch, learn, and implement. Develop the ability to make any lover come back for seconds (or stay for a lifetime).


Seductively Speaking the Blueprints

(your presence is your power)
Did you know that each Blueprint Type has entirely different words that turn them on? Learn the exact words to use, how to email, or sext to hit exactly the right tone to drive your lover wild.

More than words… Each Blueprint wants to be seduced and aroused differently. Your vocal tone, your body language…
Does your lover feel your presence when you’re with them? Can you confidently embody control and surrender? Dominance and submission?



Bust Through Obstacles and Own Your Pleasure!
(clear the past so you can indulge in the present)
No amount of sexual positions, perfect communication, or erotic games can help you bypass your wounds.
If you want to enjoy sex on a whole new level, we’ll help you heal unresolved demons leftover from your exes, boundary breaks, disempowering inherited beliefs, and on and on.
Transform your biggest obstacles into your most potent pathways for pleasure, when you heal the Shadow side of your Blueprints.

  • Deep-dive "Erotic Detective" work
  • Healing Shadows and Wounds (may include polarity integration, inner child healing, restoring body image, performance issues, or whatever challenges are most present for you, using guided visualization, Accelerated Evolution processes and Hypnosis)
  • Guided medication & visualizations for repeated listening


Experience erotic satisfaction you didn’t even know was possible
(become the ultimate lover – solo and partnered)
The possibilities for pleasure are endless.
Expanding into the turn ons of all the Blueprint Types means you get to be turned on by everything, if you want. Solo or partnered!
Your lover’s pleasure map is probably very different from yours. If you don’t know how to feed their desires, passion can fade and connection can die.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you were authentically turned on by what your lover desires?
When you expand into ALL the Blueprint Pleasures, you no longer β€œperform” for your lover. You become the ultimate lover, because you know how to access your own pleasure, solo, and how to please any lover, no matter their Blueprint Type. 
Discovering ALL that’s erotically possible is what this module is all about!

  • Expanding the Blueprints: learning to take delight in ALL the blueprints (even the lowest on your stack)
  • Expansion Exploration (custom next-steps beyond this initial journey)
  • Sex Life Challenges (lifetime access to mini video courses you can watch at your own pace)
  • Adventure Dates (Blueprintified Date nights to keep things fun, hot & spicy after our work concludes, and make the planning easy!)

Module 8

Pleasure satisfaction for a lifetime
(don’t settle for less… ever again!)
You are the master of your own pleasure destiny.
This module gives you the tools to experience fulfilling connection, lusty passion and hot sex for the rest of your life.
No matter whether you’re single or in a relationship, 20 years old or 80, you can access turn on and pleasure satisfaction!
Discover the tools that Jaiya and Ian have used and have shared with thousands of students to keep the fires of passion burning bright for a lifetime!

Here’s EXACTLY how 
The Blueprint Breakthrough Program 
Gets You Results…

In 70 (5 to 15 minute) engaging video trainings 
Jaiya and Ian give you…

  • Fun Games to uncover all your (and your lover’s) hottest turn ons, so you can always get your desires fulfilled (Solo or partnered)
  • Skills to Drive Your Lover Wild: Sex techniques are NOT the answer. Discover how to confidently satisfy your lover’s desires and become their ultimate lover
  • Orgasmic Pleasure Practices to deepen connection and expand your pleasure. Unlock the gates to your orgasmic satisfaction
  • Tools to dismantle blocks to Your Pleasure! End embarrassment, pain, and shame. Our approach to sexual wellness empowers you to freely express your truth and claim the pleasure you deserve
  • Sexy, Successful Communication Tools: Get your needs met, overcome sexual incompatibility, deepen intimacy and ignite passion for a lifetime…

And I'll be with you as your expert guide every step of the way!
These results are waiting for you...
Client testimonial about something you've helped them do, get or achieve that this program also offers

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πŸ‘‰ Phases 1-?
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πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
πŸ‘‰ Bonuses

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X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

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πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
πŸ‘‰ Bonuses

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 Payment Plan 2 

 X payments of (list price of your program divided by X) 

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

πŸ‘‰ Phases 1-?
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πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
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  Buy Now  

Got questions before you get started?

We've got answers!

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This is your answer. Duplicate this section for as many FAQs as you'd like (recommend 3-5).

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What'll happen after they purchase
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You will walk away with...
How will they feel when they're done with your program?
πŸ‘‰ Feeling 1
πŸ‘‰ Feeling 2

And you will have 

πŸ‘‰ Outcome
πŸ‘‰ Outcome
πŸ‘‰ Outcome

This is what's waiting for you!

Let's get you out of the rut and where you want to be
Where you are is just where you are, it's not who you are. More is possible!

You can either:
Keep doing what you've been doing, feeling what you're been feeling, and nothing changes...

Take a breath, and book a complimentary, no-pressure call with me. You can listen to my 'Bubble of Peace' meditation in advance to calm your nerves... it's literally that easy!
Joyfully and Fearlessly Get The
Connection and Satisfaction That You Crave!

I've got your back

I am committed to your success.

This is for you if...

🌹 You are in a healthy relationship or are single
🌹You have already done a lot of 'work' on yourself but neglected your sexuality
🌹You are a YES to healing and expansion
🌹You are Coachable & Teachable and willing to learn new ways of thinking & believing
🌹You are ready to invest time, finances, and effort to APPLY what you learn into 'embodied being' when it comes to your eroticism, pleasure & connection by implementing what you learn into your daily life
🌹You are a Yes to your sexual wholeness, reclamation, confidence, & joy!
🌹You are willing to honor your own (as well as mine and your partner's) boundaries and work within our scope of work

If the 1st list sounds like you, hurray! Please book an appointment with me using the link below! We will enjoy a delicious 30-60 minute exploratory Zoom video call, and become 'erotic detectives' to explore what you most desire, crave, and what may be missing in your love & intimate life. We will take a preliminary look at what is holding you back, and identify your desires and goals to spark passionate satisfaction and enhance your life moving forward.

Kristin and The Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough accept & welcome all erotic realities, personalities, and possibilities... but this work is not for everyone. This work is not for you right now if...

  • The love is gone but you haven’t left / the relationship is already over
  • You are looking for an instant fix (intimacy work usually takes 4-6 months)
  • You are not ready to make a financial or time investment in your healing and sexuality
  • You are looking for sexological bodywork or hands-on somatic coaching 
  • You experienced recent infidelity
  • You or your partner are actively abusing or addicted to substances  
  • Your partnership includes domestic abuse
  • You aren’t committed to personal growth
  • Please note: traditional trauma therapy is NOT covered in this program. I am trauma-informed, but I do not represent myself to be a trauma therapist. 
  • Consent, safety, & healthy boundaries are absolutely essential to this work. If you are unwilling or unable to responsibly honor boundaries, this work will not be a good fit for you.

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One payment of: today's price of your program

πŸ‘‰ Phases 1-?
πŸ‘‰ Live calls? Replays?
πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
πŸ‘‰ Bonuses

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Payment Plan 1

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X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

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πŸ‘‰ Live calls? Replays?
πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
πŸ‘‰ Bonuses

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Payment Plan 2

X payments of (list price of your program divided by X)

X payments of: today's price of your program divided by X

πŸ‘‰ Phases 1-?
πŸ‘‰ Live calls? Replays?
πŸ‘‰ Support? Community
πŸ‘‰ Lifetime Access?
πŸ‘‰ Bonuses

Buy Now

Final call
if you don't do this now, you....

What's the cost of not solving the problem right now? 

If you could have done this on your own, you wouldn't be here.

How much. more time do you want to let pass before XYZ are realized? 

Copyright Kristin Warnaca