(genuinely important stuff: ethical, personal, and professional boundaries are critical to ensure a safe container.)


I believe that you have the capacity and the inner resources to achieve anything you wish to create in your own life. I see you as a conscious being with choice: whole, unbroken, and not in need of fixing. I am here to serve as a guide, mentor, teacher, and coach, to hold you as capable of doing your work and always to point you back to your own inner wholeness. 

Foundational Principles*

  • No shame and no blame 
  • No cop-outs or drop outs
  • No victims, villains, or heroes
  • The purpose of this work is growth; the benefit is love
  • I create my own life

    *adapted from the Progressive Love Academy

Consent-Based and Trauma-Informed Care:
In 2023, I studied personally with Betty Martin, creator of The Wheel of Consent.  I am "Like a Pro" Wheel of Consent certified.  As a professional working with topics of consent, boundaries, relational intimacy, body sovereignty, trauma recovery, sexuality, and communication, it is important to me that every session is 100% voluntary, and ethical, and safe.
Regarding Erotic, Sexual Contact or Conduct

Both the Coach and Client(s)/Student(s) hereby acknowledge the importance of maintaining appropriate and professional boundaries.

  • No physical touch is permitted between Coaches and Clients/Students as related to the training or services provided as a licensed Erotic Blueprints Coach.
  • The Coach shall be conscious and make their Clients/Students conscious and aware that while we share authentic non-physical intimacy, Coaching sessions will not fulfill any party’s desire for sexual or romantic connection.
  • In group and individual sessions, all parties shall remain fully clothed.
  • Your Coach may request that Clients/Students bring a partner when they wish to learn interpersonal erotic, touch, or communication skills, or invite them to share and learn with another partner when appropriate. Full consent for any action between clients/students must be affirmatively granted and no promise of remuneration, or compensation for that consensual interaction may be made or enacted.
  • A Coach holds inherent power in their role of teacher and guide and shall not use any inherent or apparent power over their Client/Students for any psychological exploitation of students, whether sexual or non-sexual.
  • The Coach will not engage in a personal “romantic” or “sexual” relationship with a client.
  • No physical touch is permitted between Coaches and Clients as related to services provided as a licensed Erotic Blueprints Coach.
Coach & Client Responsibilities

  1. Maintain appropriate and professional boundaries
  2. To do my best to bring out the highest, best, deepest, and truest core essence of you
  3. Provide safety, encouragement, and support: a safe environment where you can relax, learn, grow, and explore
  4. Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make and the work we do
  5. Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights
  6. Give you input and straight feedback as a Voice and Mirror of Truth, and occasionally Velvet Hammer, and to operate as a sounding board
  7. Be fully present with you during our sessions, listen carefully to what you say, and ask questions to increase your awareness
  8. Be a resource for you in accomplishing your intentions
  9. Work within the scope of your personal and spiritual ethics


  1. Maintain appropriate boundaries and respect the Coach's time 
  2. Be responsible for setting personal goals, and implementing specific strategies and actions 
  3. Pay promptly & show up on time 
  4. Ownership: understand the particular success of this work depends entirely upon the client's 'skin in the game' and participation in the process 
  5. Complete all exercises/homework related to the session 
  6. Choose 1-3 aspects of each meeting/module to implement 
  7. Reach out in times of crisis or difficulty rather than trying to 'go it alone' 
  8. Acknowledge the coach is not a therapist, nor a mental health practitioner. Commit to calling a doctor, and seeing a therapist, or 911 if needing medical, psychological care or immediate attention
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

I stand against white supremacy. I recognize we have been indoctrinated into a system of white supremacy that does harm to all. With humility and honesty, I am asking: how does this system live inside me? I allow discomfort and commit to open-conversations so together we can create a better world for the future generations.
I stand against the religious spirit of judgment and oppression that says only one way (whatever it happens to be) is right.

I stand with BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities. I desire and stand for a world where every single person regardless of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, relationship orientation, background, age, and ability *IS SAFE* being who they are, fully expressed and free. 
I stand with those who love wholeheartedly, and are more interested in compassionate and curious questions than in having the 'right' answers. 

I am committed to social equity and anti-racism work. Here are some steps I am taking...
  1. 2022: trained in Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SSOGIE) through Embody Emerge with Terra Anderson. I successfully completed 32 hours of Continuing Education (and passed with 100%) including:
    Queer-friendly fundamentals
    LGBTQIA+ Fluency & Gendered Language
    Pronoun Etiquette
    Rupture Repair System
    Working with Polarity
    Traversing Transitions
    Gender Affirmation
     Erotic Blueprints and Gender Euphoria
    Queer-Friendly Business Practices
    Identity Exploration
  2. Listening directly to BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ voices in our community.
  3. Engaging in LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC and neuro-divergent training and discussion groups, as well as doing the continual inner-work with humility and personal responsibility.
This is what Equity, Diversity & Inclusion looks like right now for my small business right now. I am committed to growing in my lifelong education, understanding and embodiment of equity, diversity and inclusion.