Satyen Raja, founder of Accelerated Evolution & Warrior Sage Academy

Accelerated Evolution 
Guided Verbal Processes for Rapid Emotional Release 
& Transformation
In this exclusive video, we introduce you to our distinctive techniques known as Accelerated Evolution (AE) methods. Rooted in science, psychology, process-based metaphysics, and spirituality, these tools have been crafted to guide you towards mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution. Witness how AE techniques can eliminate non-serving beliefs and mental or emotional blocks, resulting in instant and enduring improvement in your personal and professional life. Discover the power of the 5 fundamental verbally guided AE processes, which can be harnessed to resolve any mental, emotional, or relational issue, creating a peaceful, joyous, and flowing existence. These transformative processes offer deep, lasting resolutions to problems and foster a faster realization of goals.

This is JEDI-level Mindset School for Accomplished Adults.

End Struggle Now

We store memory and emotion in 4 ways: 
  1. Mental images/movies
  2. Thoughts/words/stories
  3. Emotions 
  4. Body sensations
Talk therapy, EMDR, hypnosis, art therapy, and somatic movement all independently target one or more of these 4 pathways; Accelerated Evolution covers all 4 elements, in every session

Being able to address all 4 element in one precise process can help rapidly address and relieve mental & emotional stress by removing inner resistance and allowing the participant to do the work themselves in the present moment.

The result is a supremely effective suite of methods for dissolving emotional and mental blocks, more easily attaining goals, making peace with the past and creating more freedom, without going into the 'why' or deep into narrative loops.
What people are saying about Accelerated Evolution:

“…I cleared more problems, challenges, issues & set goals than I have in over 25 years of personal development, coaching, therapy, body work…This took it to whole new level unlike I've ever seen.”
Nick Matheson

Personal Coach, Owner at One to One Wellness Centre & OneUp Fitness

“I just had the most remarkable experience of my life…I am free. I am rockin' it now. I can’t say enough about what I just did. This has been an answer to my prayers.”
Gerry Foster

Brand Strategist & Advisor: Big Brand Formula

Breakthrough and find relief from: 

  • Interrupting Thoughts
  • Irrational Fears & Phobias
  • Relationship challenges
  • Grief & loss
  • Anxiety & hyper-vigilance
  • Suppressed Intense Experiences
  • Invasive memories / intrusive flashbacks
  • Stress challenges


  • Public Speaking
  • Goal Attainment
  • Business Negotiations
  • Sports Performance
  • Financial Freedom
  • Confidence
  • Leadership

How AE works:


You'll experience, learn and practice to help yourself see above any problems. 


Dissolve longstanding negative emotional patterns at their root – and experience freedom perhaps for the first time in your life. This will allow you to see situations and circumstances from your most centered, calm, peaceful, true self.

3. forgive

Learn how to artfully conquer the past and integrate new beliefs quickly and permanently. See tangible progress in the very first session.

Accelerated Evolution Processes
Mind Clearing
Mind Clearing is a deep bath & cleanse for the mind.

Mind clearing can free you from fixed attitudes, patterns, habits and stuck conditions to allow for more fluidity and choice in your life: no more looping, contradictory, or confusing thoughts.

Expected Results:

  • Relief from current problems.
  • More energy and freedom to live your life empowered.
  • Release tension to allow you to have more serenity and peace of mind.
  • Allows the innate wisdom of the individual to emerge and to be the guiding force in your life.
  • Removes barriers, shells, guardedness and confusion that keep you from having intimacy and fulfillment in relationships.
  • Helps you identify and achieve your goals in business and in life and allows you to live with passion and clarity.
Intense Experience Integration
Emotional Trauma Release

In Emotional Trauma Release, not only do you become who you are, you act from who you are without using a false front. The key to life is relating. With emotion mastery you can have the emotion that is appropriate to the situation. You can relate fully and freer because you are less stuck and less filled with past stack- ups of emotion.
Expected Results
  • Your capacity to feel and express emotions increases
  • Your empathy for others greatly increases
  • Your understanding and acceptance of yourself and of others increases
  • Compulsions go away. you are no longer driven by compulsivity
  • Freedom from reactivity – more present in communications
  • Real connection with others without the walls and defensiveness
  • You gain the ability to relate through emotional difficulty and still be present and authentic
  • More peace and less stress – less stress related body ailments
  • Increased self confidence, energy, feeling of fulfillment
  • More ability to receive and give love
5-session series "End Struggle Now" -  deeply individual one-on-one intensive format, ideally 1 session/day over 1-2 weeks. 
Deep Peat 4
Dissolving Inner Conflict

DP4 is a method developed by Živorad Mihajlović Slavinski, and is a method of psychological and spiritual development with a very wide application.

We as humans separate reality into polarities which inherently cause INNER conflicts:
  • good vs bad
  • this vs that
  • sad vs happy
  • loneliness vs connection
  • judgement vs acceptance
  • love vs hate
  • victim vs. villain
DP4 is a method which operates with two opposing polarities and integrates them into ONE whole, thereby pumping out a negative energy charge and revitalizing energy. The advantage of DP4 in relation to other methods is that in DP4 we can choose which polarities we want to integrate. This possibility opens the broad field of application of this method; Work with undesirable and desirable identities, integration of shadow, and releasing old labels, mindsets, or systems of belief. 
Goal Achievement
Identity & Character Upgrade

Remember in the Matrix how Neo was able to learn KungFu by downloading the skills?! While I can't actually 'program' you in any way, YOU can upgrade your own consciousness and awareness to open your mind to your full ability, and access any state of being you desire (and it's more comfortable and relaxing, with equally powerful results!). 

Expected Results
  • Your capacity to feel and express emotions increases
  • Your empathy for others greatly increases
  • Your understanding and acceptance of yourself and of others increases
  • Compulsions go away. you are no longer driven by compulsivity
  • Freedom from reactivity – more present in communications
  • Real connection with others without the walls and defensiveness
  • You gain the ability to relate through emotional difficulty and still be present and authentic
  • More peace and less stress – less stress related body ailments
  • Increased self confidence, energy, feeling of fulfillment
  • More ability to receive and give love


(Busting the myth that healing takes a long time & is hard, painful & slow)

There is a myth that making positive changes is a slow, arduous, and painful process. Think of traditional talk therapy…After hundreds of hours and years worth of expenses, you may slightly better understand your past difficult experiences or negative patterns, but what you won’t be shown is the underlying framework that continues to create suffering in your life; these are conflicting polarities.

Most psycho-therapy or personal growth teachings focus on moving you from where you are to a more ideal way of being, which just deepens and perpetuates your conflicting polarities. For example, if you struggle with feelings of unworthiness and wish to feel confident, you might try affirmations or other self-love practices. However, a mistake, disparaging comment, or another triggering event can thrust you back into feelings of unworthiness. Even with forward progress and using affirmations, you’re still operating within two polarities, perpetuating the belief that you are either one or the other.

Accelerated Evolution Methods expand your conscious awareness so that you become powerful enough to handle any opposing thoughts, feelings and sensations — and to have the practical skills needed to live in both dualities with ease. In terms of being a jedi-warrior, superhuman…this is a master move!

With this newfound perception of your actual reality, you will experience true liberation. You’ll take ownership of your life, living with confidence now that you’ve uncovered the fabric of your own psyche, emotions, and the core operating principles of life itself.
AE is the last self-transformation method you’ll need because it is the only one that so rapidly, comprehensively, and authentically brings healing to the core of who you truly are. It does this by dissolving the identity on any given polarity and brings you into a state of unity consciousness. This grants you an embodied clarity and direct experience in the clearing of past pain, lingering negative patterns, or residual emotional charges.

By interacting with these methods you will be able to dissolve polarities and begin to live from a place of integrated unity consciousness. The natural byproduct of this state of being is confidence, peace, composure, peak performance, happiness, and true fulfillment.


Am I the coach for you? 

Some people love salted Carmel and dark chocolate. For others Swedish Fish and Skittles are their thing (nothing wrong with either). Let's find out if I'm your flavor and you're mind with a complimentary consultation. Please fill out the application questions thoroughly, and we will enjoy a 30-60 minute initial Zoom video session, so I can understand where you are now, what you hope to achieve through our work together. 

If we mutually feel a full-body, all in "YES" to working together after our intro call, I will create a custom coaching proposal based on our discussion (1 long-standing challenge or long-range trauma can take 5-10 sessions, while one intense experience can usually be resolved in 1-5 sessions).  If we are not a fit, I will give you some personalized recommendations for next steps or referrals to other expert providers that may be able to serve you better given your circumstances.

I look forward to being of service,
