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Sexuality is nuanced. You are not just one Erotic Blueprint Type, or sexual state or stage. You likely have a little bit of every type in your mix which invite you to expand and explore. With the in-depth quiz, you will see your entire Pleasure Profile with your percentage amount of each type. You can also take the free basic quiz for your top result (if you are tied for 2 types, you will only get the results for one type with the free basic quiz).

Get your 28-page in-depth, personalized Blueprint Report when you take the Advanced Blueprint Quiz

If your Quiz results pique your interest for more, or you want personalized support in blending & overlapping your Erotic Blueprint types with your partner, to learn how to nourish yourself and your partner with touch attuned for each Blueprint, heal your shadows, and access your superpowers, I'd love to meet you! Book a Complimentary Consultation here


Kristin Warnaca
Wilder Intimacy Coaching LLC
Certified Erotic Blueprints, Accelerated Evolution & OOLA Life Coach